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Six copper Royal Navy Rum measures correctly termed as Grog measures as they held Rum and water. Present is the Half gallon, Quart, Pint, One and a half Gill, One Gill and Half Gill. In our experience of handling these over the years quite often the Half pint is missing as it is close in size to the One and a half Gill. More often than not the One Gallon has long since found a home somewhere not in a set of Rum measures! Although we do have a full set on here for sale with one present!

The Half Gallon is Italic lettering, has the GR cypher with crown above, and below 66 then a separate number of 40, the underside MMS 1940. The Quart, Italic also, GR cypher with crown above, and below 6, separate numbers 2 over 53, the underside 53171 with the date Jan 1953. One pint, Italic, Gr cypher, crown above, and below 6, separate digits F and 19 below, the underside is bare. The One and a half Gill, Italic with the serial/vocabulary number 53175, the underside has the manufacturing mark for a tradesman with a chisel. It is a mark seen before on Rum measures but we do not know who. The Gill is bloc lettering, GR cypher crown above, 6 below and separe numbers of 1 over 52, the underside is G & C, 53176 dated 1953 and the tap and barrel logo. G & C were the manufacturers Gaskell and Chambers. Lastly the Half Gill, bloc lettering, GR cypher crown above 6 below, separate digits of J over 52 and the underside 53177.

Ranging in height from 14cm down to 5cm.




    Six RN Rum/Grog measures

    SKU: 3442
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